Cultural morphing

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!! cultural morphing live blog and projects docu !!






Media:cultural_morphing.pdf english version

Joa Knierzinger list
Heidi Trimmel Schattenlauf, Mapmorph, Eurasian rag rug
Daniel Gyolcs Same, Same, But Different
Johannes Muik Datensubstrat
Viktoria Wöß The Hairdo / Die Frisur
Hui Ye Babyface
Johannes Hucek Müllroboter
Philipp Friedrich (Kamerafahrt) Von Wien nach Shanghai
Kathrin Stumreich Textile soundscape Vienna - Shanghai
Klaus Filip klangpfad
Nicolaj Kirisits archifizierung wien -shanghai

the journey

!! cultural morphing live blog !!

usb sticks

we spread 100 usb sticks with 2MB of various contents over the whole route.

presentation in Ulan Ude

University of Education and Science / Buryat Sate University.

presentation in Ulan Bator

National University of Mongolia
ULAN BAATOR Präsentation.jpg

concert/presentation at 2kolegas Beijing

Media:datensubstrat_live_2kolegas.mp3 by muik
Peking aufbau03.jpg

presentation in Shanghai

Shanghai – University of Fine Arts
SHANGHAI präsentation.jpg

exhibition & kunstradio

OE1 kunstradio

Web.jpg the exhibition flyer

the real gps-track

set index to 1 and speed to something like 0.1 and click set twice...

expo gallery