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seminare und workshops von nicolaj kirisits & klaus filip

an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst - Abteilung Digitale Kunst
Leitung: Thomas Fürstner(2002-2006), Virgil Widrich(2007-2011), Ruth Schnell(ab 2012)

the hub WS2004

Dasbinich.jpg 12 artists/students design enviroments, taking incoming data morphs and producing new one.

speakers SS2005

developement of sculptural and auditory artworks
exhibition: Ratsch!Fump!Donk! Heiligenkreuzerhof

steinhof SS2005

artworks for people in a mental hospital.
presentation at Kunsthof16, Hospital Steinhof

Transit SS2006

Virtual multimedia matrix projected into a real space.
presentation at Kleylehof and Morzinplatz/Vienna

Praterstern WS2006

Multichannel fieldrecording and its projection in the rooms of Holzhausergasse.

ferngesteuert SS2007

C Luna21 Horz12.jpg
developement of artworks that are remote controlled.
Presentation at kleylehof13

digital claiming WS2007

Media Rush in 20 claims, geotagged on the island of Plocica /Croatia.
Presentation as DVD and at the OpenHouse at Sterngasse 13.

kosmos SS2008

Developement of artworks that reflect to astronomy or cosmology.
Presentation at kleylehof13

Klangmaschinen WS2008

sounding machines. analogue and mechanical solutions to create sounds
Exhibition "Klangmaschinen" at IMA Hainburg.

Facade SS2009

projects for the ars electroniva center facade.
Presentation at Ars Electronica 2009

informelles radio WS2009

6 channel live radio media show out of a viennese tram.
live radio program together with OE1-Kunstradio, FM4-imSumpf and free radios.

listen - über das Hören, SS2010

lectures about the human auditory system and perception

cultural morphing 2010/2011

Cultural morphing.png
Mapping and exploring the land route between Vienna and Shanghai.
Presentations in Moscow, UlanUde, Shanghai, Vienna
Exhibition at MO•E Vienna, OE1 Kunstradio

TheWayThingsMayG0 SS2012

Chaotic structures
Collaboration with HDK Berlin, Alberto de Campo.
Presentation online and within the festival "Konfrontationen" Nickelsdorf

simulator 2012/2013

flying in digital arts
Presentation at kleylehof13, Reheat 2013 and Coded Culture 2013

soundart SS2014

developement of soundart.
Presentation at the soundart Nickelsdorf 2015

klangkunst 2014/2015

soundart works
Exhibition CINOS at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

sokołowsko tower 2015/2016

Soko brick.png
artworks for the tower of the Sokołowsko art center.
Exhibition May 2016 Sokołowsko.

microsound 2016/2017

Aesthetics and Composition

fenstersturz 2017

akustische raumgesten

Lindabrunn 2017/2018

soundart open air

Maschinenorchester 2018/2019

machines for making sound

DigitalArtNetwork 2020

"Cyberspace consits of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. ours is a world that is both everywhere and nowhere, but it is not where bodies live" [Perry Barlow]

together with Ulla Rauter and Stefano D'Allessio

StoneHenge 2022