The hub

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"Rooms and buildings will henceforth be seen as sites where bits meet the body-
where digital information is translated into visual, auditory, tactile,
or otherwise perceptible form, and, conversely, where bodily actions are sensed and converted into digital information."
CITY of BITS (Recombinate Architecture-Programmable Places), William J. Mitchell, 1995, The MIT Press

Those Places, where the body meets the bits are not only spatial rooms anymore.
It seems that the acceleration of the data, transforms the world of spatial objects
into a world of time objects. According to the Gestalttheorie it makes no sense cutting
slots out of an time object in order to map it back to low frequency architecure.

"Es gibt Zusammenhänge, bei denen nicht, was im Ganzen geschieht, sich daraus herleitet,
wie die einzelnen Stücke sind und sich zusammensetzen, sondern umgekehrt, wo - im prägnanten Fall -
sich das, was an einem Teil dieses Ganzen geschieht, bestimmt von inneren Strukturgesetzen dieses seines Ganzen."
Über Gestaltheorie, Max Wertheim 1924

In other words, you get no information looking at a number of the data output at a specific point of time.
The Datastream has to be considered as a whole object (back in time). Coming to this point the morphologie of
the time object (see also Edmund Husserl "Vorlesung zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins" )
of the datastream coming thru the Hub seems to be the most interesting determination for the design.

For this project we use the Max/MSP/Jitter and the lloopp enviroment to build up the connections of the digital city.
We designed a few externals one with 3 data inputs on the left side and two control inputs on the right,
which is called "das_bin_ich". The last argument of this object has to be the name of the participating artist;
so this is the input for the data stream of this artist. For all other participating artist there is one external
with his/her name with three outputs each.
(for further information see "MEIN PATCH" in the downloadsection)

Center of the city is a wireless Hub.
If Data is sent into his/her input (das_bin_ich), this stream goes via the Hub to all the other Artists
(working with laptops and wireless lancards) and comes out of the External with the same name of the person who sent it.
Doubleclicking on a external opens a window where the morphological qualities of the datastream is shown.

12 Artists (students from the University of applied Arts Vienna / Institut for mediadesign-digital arts)
designed enviroments between these outputs and that input, taking the incoming data morphs and producing new one,
using and reflecting the ambient of the kleyehof (slow frequency architecture feedback)
to let the bits crash into the body and to convert the spatial bodies to temporal one.
Nicolaj Kirisits, Klaus Filip November 2004




TeilnehmerInnen / Projekte:


Bernhard Faiss, view catalyst, interaktive Videoinstallation

Bruno Vaplon

Elisabeth Wildling

Ella Krampl

Emanuel Andel

Heike Kaltenbrunner 1. small Zahl 1

Julia Willms

Luc Gross

Lukas Czjzek Rüdiger

Shira Carmel

Sue Sellinger